Our Projects
Eco-friendly citizen company
Geographical Expansion
Spread our skills and services
Eco-friendly citizen company
Working Capital Management Group companies are going "No Paper" by 2009. This involves avoiding printing as much as possible, both in our internal day-to-day activities and in our relationship with clients and partners. Doing this we will be able to reduce our costs and help save the planet. "No Paper" is not just a operational procedure, it is a way of thinking. And we are spreading it around.

We are aware of our Environmental Responsibilities. Are you?

Geographical Expansion
To grow internationally, in order to cover Southern Europe first and then Northern Europe we are loocking to implant in Greece, netherland and portugal. (buying existing companies or create start up)Spread our skills and services
- To become an European Information provider, exploiting our international database, serving our multinational clients with all the Risk Management services they may need. No matter what or where.
- To become the first Credit Management player in Europe, empowering the European Client List.
To become a major player in the Special Servicing market for Institutional Investors all around Europe. - To increase our proprietary CUM, acquiring new banking, commercial and financial portfolios.